Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Goins' on at the Jones Home

Daniel REALLY enjoying some ice cream! This kid is a crack up!

I really think my daughters are out to get me. Poor kid did not even have a chance!

Kendly loves to do the make over show. Here is a Chell being a great sport!
Sydney graduated from her pre-school and will start kindergarten in August.
Lots of trampolining at our house. And yes it is sagging that much. Good for launching the kids though!

Kendly has always been our little performer. Now she is doing it on the stage. Kendly is in a gymnastic group and she is awesome.

My gosh she is getting so old! Be careful boys I still have my sword and I am not afraid to use it!


Deb said...

What a good sport Dan is. I think Ian would freak out if Smith was dressed like that and enjoying it.

Jen said...

Nice! Once again, I have to declare how much I love your children. The boys had the best time EVER with them and they are itching for more. Kendly is growing up too fast. Good luck with that...