My name is Dan and I am a football addict. Don't try to help I am to far gone!
My wife puts up a sign every year that says " We interrupt this marriage to bring you football season!" and that basically gives you the picture of who I am. I have been coaching for about 7 years. I am currently coaching at Desert Ridge High School. Jeremy Hathcock was hired there last year and asked me to come coach with him. We just lost the game for the region title, but we did make the playoffs as the eight seed and are looking forward to trying to make a title run. If anyone wants to follow our team log on to JAGPRIDE.COM
Jeremy and me after half at MaryvaleGetting the Jag's pumped for the game!
Kendly doing a Jag Cheer! She is quite the cheerleader and really impressed some of the older girls that were teaching her.
Sydney was real excited to do her first cheer camp. She looked so cute out there and showed a lot of Jag pride!
Yep already working on the arm strength! Hey a guy has to have a retirement plan. Daniel loves to come on the field after games and throw the ball around with dad. With watching so much game film Daniel can't help but see a lot of football. Every time he sees football on the T.V. he screams "Football dad football YEAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
FOOTBALL!!( or the bane of my wife's existence)
Posted by Carpet Medic at 7:28 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Halloween 2007
First off to say my wife loves Halloween would be an understatement. I believe she starts thinking about it in July ( or quite possibly Nov 1st for the next year) So we always have a good time when it comes to carving pumpkins and finding costumes.
This year we decided to go with the gothic theme. We all dressed up as the evil family. Quite a stretch for the rest of my family, just another day at the office for me. In fact we went to our ward trunk or treat and everyone asked why I didn't dress up this year!My sweet kids trying their hardest to look scary!!!!
Their true colors showing through. They are too cute to be scary!!!
Kendly dressed up as Spiderella. She had a spider pin, necklace and a ton of little plastic spiders in her hair. Kendly has grown up so much and she scares me when she puts on make up. I am going to have to wear that grim reaper robe when her dates come over to make sure they get the point. She went trick or treating 3 times and got loaded up with the goods!!Sydney was dressed up as a GOOD witch. She looked really cute and liked trick or treating. She would constantly tell me that "I'm not scared because it's all pretend and none of it is real. " I think that she was trying to convince herself some of the time but she was real brave.
Daniel was dressed up like bones. It was hard to tell who he was because we painted his face white and his hair black. Daniel was enamored with the idea that we could walk up to someone's door and ask for candy and they would give it to us. He has turned in to quite the sugar tooth. One of the funniest things of the night was our cul-de-sac does a little group cookout and we all sit out and spend the evening with friends, well after Machelle had taken Daniel in to clean him up he suddenly appeared back at the party wearing nothing but face paint begging for more candy. Apparently while Machelle was running the shower to clean him up he bolted for the door to get one last sugar fix. Needless to say our neighbors had a good laugh at it all.
Here is a picture to haunt your dreams!
Posted by Carpet Medic at 8:03 PM 0 comments